Wednesday, October 28, 2009


And Jack-O-Lanterns :)

These are pumpkin flavoured cookies (from here: but I replaced the egg with egg replacer) with vanilla frosting.

I kind of like these, because they came out kind of bumpy. It reminds me of when you carve a pumpkin and look for the "best side" to carve even though the best side usually still has holes and bumps.

I love Halloween. :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Eat Brains

Zombie Walk

Today is my city's ZOMBIE WALK. I won't be dressing up and
participating this year so I thought I should make some zombie cookies.

These are just regular sugar cookies with green cinnamon
frosting and black coconut frosting on the face. The blood is
made of red food colouring, chocolate syrup and corn syrup.

These were fun to make... :)